Exploring Creation With Physical Science, First Edition

Exploring Creation With Physical Science, First Edition

Student Textbook, and Solutions and Tests book

By: Dr. Jay L. Wile

Designed to be a student's first systematic introduction to the sciences, this course includes a history of science, the scientific method, and how to design an experiment. Subjects covered include simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. Many hands-on experiments are included, all using basic household items. This is a two-volume set. The hardcover student text contains all student material, study questions, laboratory exercises, and module study guides. The softcover solutions-and-tests manual contains answers to module study guides, tests, and test solutions. 


(SB) 445 pages; (Sol/Test book) 114 pages; - English

Grade Levels: 8-9

Dimensions: (SB) 8.5 x 1.25 x 11; (AK and Tests) 8.5 x 0.25 x 11

Condition: Good -I would have listed this set as Excellent except that is an older edition that has been on my shelf for years. There is no damage to note, no markings or missing pages. The included Solutions and Tests book is also in excellent condition.

Price: $20.00

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