Services & Forms


PACESC, SERVING THE HOMESCHOOL COMMUNITY ONE FAMILY AT A TIME. Every homeschooling family is unique and PACESC is very honored to be able to serve the homeschool community.  Whether it’s a quick question or a lengthy individualized student plan, we’ll spend time listening to you and then provide support, encouragement, and guidance to you on your personal homeschool journey.
We also provide a wide range of professional services to meet your homeschooling needs.

Membership Documents

Members receive a membership letter and membership card so they have a record that they are registered with PACESC and compliant with SC law. The member letter can be used as proof when school officials, Social Services, or the Department of Motor Vehicles need proof that the children are "in school". The letter and card can be used to receive student discounts at events, museums, etc. Also receive teacher discounts and privileges at major chain bookstores, craft stores, etc.

Membership Support

PACESC members receive support via telephone, email, and our closed Facebook group. We are often available in the evening and weekends, especially via email and Facebook private messaging. We pride ourself on providing one-on-one guidance and support including curriculum counseling and high school planning.

Membership Discounts

PACESC members also save money by receiving Group Discount Memberships:
HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) and SCHEA (SC Home Educators Association- the SC statewide support group.
Other discounts may be added as they come available.

PACESC Accountability Coverage through Membership

 2024/2025 Member Period

Current Membership

(Regardless of enrollment date, ALL memberships will expire on June 10, 2025.)

Registration will cover one family including Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) + their own children/legal wards.

  • Membership Fee: $45
    Covers the remainder of the 2024–2025 member period, which ends June 10, 2025.
  • High School Services Fee: $50 per high school student
    Covers transcript creation, updates, and college-related documentation throughout the coverage year.
Click here to Lean More

IF YOU WANT TO REGISTER for next year (2025/2026),  

The application for that period will open on April 16th and will be available on our website at that point.

CURRENT MEMBERS who want to renew for 2025/2026:  

Watch for an email being sent with information about exciting changes coming to PACESC. The Renewal Form will be available on April 16th.

Ordering Records & Reports

If you need the transcript expedited or sent overnight to you or a person/school you designate, there will be an additional $25 fee. Please order your reports/transcript keeping your own deadlines in mind. This service provided at the descretion of the director.

Official Report:

I need a report card style report that will verify current membership status and document grades for a specific grading period.

(Grade Report Form Also Required)

This report can be ordered for your own records, used for students wishing to participate in public school interscholastic activities, or to satisfy a relative...


High School Student Fee / Transcript Services

(Not due for students that will not seek a high school diploma.

This is not the membership fee which is paid each year covering your family.)

This fee is paid per individual student when they begin to earn high school credit.

You can claim exemption from the fee if your child is not seeking a PACESC transcript, obtaining their transcript from the parent or another program, are disabled and not seeking a diploma.


Order Finalized Transcript/Diploma


Order In-Progress High School Transcript sent per request:

(No additional fee for student

who have paid the high school fee.)

For students enrolled in the full transcript service due to payment of high school fees... this transcript order is included in the high school fee. The form will allow you to make requests concerning the finalization and/or delivery of the student's transcript.

Reordering Transcript sent-- student is beyond one year after graduating:

PACESC provided my transcript through the Full Transcript Service. I graduated over a year ago and I need a copy of my official transcript sent to me or a person/ school I designate.


Ordering Transcript for a Student previously granted an exemption:

(Grade Report Form Also Required)

I requested and received an exemption for my student from the High School Student Fee / Full Transcript Service. I would like PACESC to prepare my student's official high school transcript.


Other forms for

PACESC Members' Use Only


Members (Current & Past) Use Only:

Parents, use this form to submit student's grades if you wish to have them kept on file and when ordering official reports.


Parents with high school students, use this form to report their student's grades.

Year End Compliance Form:

Current Members Use Only:

Member Use Only: Due each year at the completion of 180 instructional days. Each member must complete this form attesting to compliance with the law while under PACESC.

 Members Updating Contact Information or Withdrawing from PACESC

Member Updates or Withdrawal

Update Member Info:

Member Use Only:

Update member contact information. Report changes to individual students adding them to homeschooling roster or removing them to return them to public/private school.

Withdraw Student to take GED:

PACESC supports our members to know what is best for their students. When it is in a student's best interest to take the GED we must have this form on file to send out the necessary Verification of Withdrawal form needed by the GED office.

Withdraw Your Family From PACESC:

We hate to see any of our members go. It is an honor and privilege to serve each of you. We hope that you will consider us if you ever need homeschool assistance in the future.

Please make sure you have completed the necessary form for the membership or service you need. But if you have filled out the form and need to make the accompanying payment, the button below will take your to our payment page.

Go Directly to Payment Page

Homeschooling is a journey. We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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