GSSM-Virtual STEM_2024-2025

The SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM) will be offering STEM classes free-of-charge to high school students across SC for the 2024-2025 school year. We would love if you could share the following information with the families in your associations.


The SC Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM) will offer live virtual courses tuition-free to high school students across the state of SC for the 2024-2025 school year. Students in these classes take one or more GSSM classes from home while collaborating with their peers from across the state. Classes are taught via Zoom by GSSM instructors. All instructional materials (textbooks, lab kits, etc.) will be provided by GSSM free-of-charge to students.


The courses include dual enrolled Calculus, dual enrolled Physics, honors engineering electives, and upper-level math electives. For full course details, see the attached course catalog. Honors PreCalculus or equivalent is a required prerequisite for all of these classes.


Dr. Kroeger will host an information session on Monday, May 13 from noon-12:30pm on Zoom (, drop in if you have questions or just want to learn more.


If you have any questions or would like to enroll in one of these courses, please reach out to Dr. Nicole Kroeger,

Flyer with links to more information:

GSSM Online Courses 2024-2025 for Homeschoolers.pdf

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