High School Guidance

PACESC respects the parent's right to make educational decisions for their child. We are here to guide and support your efforts.

Our best advice is to look toward what your child's goals are and work to make sure your educational plan does not close doors.

High School Course/Credit Guidance

What is needed to reach graduation?

A Reminder about what IS Required under homeschool law:

Attendance = 180 total days of instruction and you can count the days they have been in public school toward your 180 this year.

Classes for k-6th: Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Writing (Language Arts in many curriculum combine these into one course).

Classes for 7-12: Math, Science, Social Studies (History), Composition, and Literature (again many curriculum combine the Comp & Lit in the Language Arts classes).

Information for High School Credit Earning Students:

High school credit can start being earned in 7th grade. But don’t push children to earn early if they aren’t ready. High school physical science, Algebra 1, computer courses including keyboarding & applications, foreign language, …. are some classes kids take in middle school for credit. But waiting until 9th grade is perfectly fine. PE and many elective "lite" courses such Home Economics are not acceptable by many colleges (or reentry to public school) as credit courses prior to the 9th grade.


Homeschool students are not required to fulfill the SC public school graduation requirements.

CHE stands for the SC Commission on Higher Education. This entity, among its other responsibilities, "administers state, regional, and federal programs, in addition to state-funded lottery scholarships and grants."

Here is what we recommend for high school—

The student's ultimate goals beyond high school should be taken into consideration when planning. Students capable of college prep coursework should have planning that would keep college open as an option even if it is uncertain if they will go to college immediately.

Subject Area SC Public School SC CHE PACESC
English / Language Arts 4 4 4
Mathematics 4 4 4
Sciences 3* 3* 3
U.S. History & Constitution 1 1 1
Economics .5 .5
U.S. Government .5 .5 .5
Personal Finance .5 .5
Other Social Studies Elective 1 1 1
PE / JROTC / (CAP) 1 1* 1*
Computer Science 1 1
World (Foreign) Language or Career & Technology Education Elective 1* 2 2
Fine Arts 1
Electives 6.5 2 2-6
Total Credits 24 20 20-24
  • The Public School Requirements (24 Credits) / Homeschool Suggested Guidelines Only!

Items marked with * may have additional requirements. Also, the student must demonstrate computer literacy before graduation.

  • CHE Recommendations (http://www.che.sc.gov) .... The College Preparatory Course Prerequisite Requirements are minimal requirements for SC four-year college admission. Each institution may make exceptions in admitting students who do not meet all of the prerequisites. Students should check early with colleges of their choice to plan to meet additional high school prerequisites that might be required for admission.

*Three (3) units of Laboratory Science taken in two different fields of physical, earth, or life science (biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science) and the third unit in a field that requires one of the above as a prerequisite.

*One unit of PE or JROTC unless exempted because of physical disability or for religious reasons.

*Two units of the same World Language (American Sign Language, ASL, is accepted as are the Classic languages - Latin, Greek, and Hebrew)

  • PACESC Recommendations (Contact PACESC for questions, and to discuss individual plans)...

*Seriously Recommended: A study of the Constitution should be included either in US History or in Government. The US Constitution and founding documents can also be a stand-alone course.  Economics is suggested if a student is planning on applying to a 4-year college. If a 2-year college or trade school is the goal, then not having Economics would not be an issue.

**Strongly  Recommended: Personal Finance (either half or full credit course) should be included.

***Either two units in the same World Language (American Sign Language is acceptable) or the student can concentrate on Career & Technology courses.

****Two Electives should be Core Electives which are those from any of the academic areas already listed.

*****The remaining electives may be Bible, additional PE if a child is active in competitive sports, Home Economics, Life Skills, Work Experience... etc.

More information will be coming soon about courses and high school paths.

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