Testing Resources

Standardized Testing & Achievement Testing Resources

Remember: For SC homeschoolers operating under Option 3 and registered with PACESC, standardized testing is NOT required.

However, many parents would like to have the option and there are different types of tests available.

Posting of these resources does not indicate an endorsement from PACESC

First some testing vocabulary.... Then check out the test resources and links that follow...

Standardized tests: These are nationally-normed based tests, standard grade level knowledge based test, students provided a national percentile ranking based on scores compared to their peers. Some require approved test administrators and some do not.

Achievement tests: otherwise known as cognitive tests and diagnostic tests are NOT standardized tests. This type of test assesses reasoning skills and problem-solving abilities, or simply grade based knowledge (depending on the test). These are helpful in determining grade level mastery, learning gaps, strengths, and learning styles, etc.

SAT/ACT... these are the College Ready Tests that are administered through the College Board and the ACT (see above). There are not the tests discussed or available through the links below.

Standford Achievement Test (Stanford10): Often referred to as the SAT, is not the college board exam but rather it is a national norms based test administered to grades 3-12.

California Achievement Test (CAT): Another widely used standardized test for academic skill level administered to grades 2-12.

Basic Achievement Skills Inventory (BASI): A nationally normed standardized test for grades 3-12.

IOWA ITBS and ITED: The IOWA Test of Basic Skills (ITBS grades K-8) and the IOWA Test of Educational Development (ITED grades 9-12) are standardized tests. According to Brewer Testing Services, "The ITBS and ITED tests can be used in conjunction with the CogAT. This combination of testing is helpful in identifying under or over achievers, as well as your student's preferred learning style."

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT): This is NOT a standardized test. The test assesses students' reasoning and problem-solving abilities and gives you information about your student's learning style, abilities and preferences.

TerraNova: There are two standardized tests to choose from. The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS - 1st edition form A), or the Plus Editions (CAT/6 - 2nd edition form C... both tests are available for grades 4-12.

OLSAT 8 Online: This is a cognitive abilities test, like the CogAT. It is NOT a standardized test. It is often taken in conjunction with Standford10.

NWEA MAP Growth test: This standardized test is nationally-normed like other standardized tests. The test is "adaptive, cross-grade, and achievement-focused."

ABEKA offers online standardized testing, The Stanford 10 and the Iowa Tests, from the comfort of your home. The test administrator must have a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree… AND either (1) be a teacher certified by a state department of education to teach in public/conventional school, or (2) previously or currently a full-time academic classroom teacher in a conventional school (not a homeschool)

Abeka | Homeschool Products Testing 

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE offers online standardized testing, CAT (California Achievement Test), that is completely online and require no special software to be installed. They offer a timed and a “not timed” version. They also offer a paper version of the testing.

Academic Excellence  Complete Achievement Tests  

BREWER TESTING SERVICES offer a wide selection of tests that can be administered in your home by a parent or other qualified individual (requirements vary). They offer end of grade (standardized tests) such as the Stanford 10, BASI (Basic Achievement Skills Inventory), The IOWA, and the TerraNova. They also offer IQ tests such as the CogAT and the OLSAT 8 Online.


BJU offers online testing for the IOWA Assessments, IOWA Assessments with CogAT, and the Stanford 10, at home- no approved test administrator needed.

BJU Online Testing | Online testing-no approved tester needed


BJU also offers paper/pencil testing for the IOWA, Stanford 10, and CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) with approved test administrators. You can apply to qualify as a test administrator or you can use their administrator locator on the site. You can also contact their testing center if you live near Greenville, SC.

BJU Testing & Evaluation | Testing with approved test admin

HOMESCHOOL BOSS offers the NWEA MAP Growth test completely online from your home. This is a nationally-normed, standardized test covering Math, Reading, Language usage, and Science.

Homeschool Boss | MAP Growth Test Online

HOMESCHOOL TESTING SERVICE offers the Stanford 10 online- no test administrator needed because this one is proctored over the phone. They also offer the CPT (Comprehensive Test Program) online which is administered through a scheduled zoom testing session. Check out their website for more information and test schedule availability.

Homeschool Testing Services | Test Online

WELL PLANNED GAL offers homeschool assessments that can help you identify gaps and academic strengths in your child’s learning. Read more about the Well Planned Start Assessment tests that are not just another nationally normed standardized test (comparing your child on an achievement scale against other students), but a test that will help you identify where your child personally is academically and how you can support them.

WELL PLANNED GAL | Well Planned Start Assessment


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